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About Us

About Us

Our mission to educate and support all parents in raising secure, joyful and empathic children in order to strengthen families and create a more compassionate world.

The simple truth is that when communities nurture parents and families, we provide our children with lifelong health. This is how we aim to spark cycles of child, family, and community flourishing.

We've been in the parent education and support field for 30 years and we've learned a few things about guiding, supporting and providing effective parenting resources for parents.

What we do is based in broad research that shows supportive social ties are not optional. They're health requirements. When we bring communities and parents together, we aim to fill that essential health-giving requirement for them and for their children. But that's just the start.

We provide resources, training and support for independent professionals and community-based peer leaders. We are committed to sharing free and low-cost, research-based resources that help us all work together to nurture parents. We use small group methods that bring parents together to discuss, share and learn to use effective parenting skills that promote healthy parent-child relationships and serve as a source of strength and encouragement for parents.

Our group format shows early evidence and anecdotal effectiveness in supporting healthy parenting coping and effective parenting skills. But we already know from experience that when parents are supported in using sensitive responsive parenting practices, they're able to reduce and avoid derailing stressors and confidently put their energy into parenting that builds healthy parent-child relationships instead. This promotes healthy family life and healthy children who are on the path leading to lifelong health and learning. 

Read more about Nurturings.


Boards, Council, and Staff

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization supported by memberships, donations and volunteers. Our small, efficient staff, large devoted volunteer base and distributed office environment has allowed us to remain nimble while growing, making the most of our donated income. Read about our people on these pages:


Research Base 

Our work is based in API's Eight Principles of Parenting, each of which is grounded in academic research. The majority of our research references may be accessed through links across the site, which will most often point to these resources and repositories:  


Nurturings is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Tennessee. Nurturings was founded as Attachment Parenting International (API) and reorganized in 2021 under the name Nurturings. API continues as a Nurturings brand and the Eight Principles of Parenting are the foundation of Nurturings work that extend into to and incorporates more recent research on relational health, Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) and Healthy Outcomes from Postive Experiences (HOPE). Contact Art Yuen, Executive Director, at 100 Ash Street, Suite #3 Bristol, TN 37620 or at 615-200-0924.


Financials: Guidestar

Browse our Annual Reports